The dual jihad of Dr. Israr Ahmad (RA), Jihad Bil Qur’an and Jihad fi Sabillah.
“As for those who struggle in Our cause, We shall surely guide them in Our Ways. And Allah is certainly with the virtuous.” (al-‘Ankabut, 29:69)
Dr. Israr Ahmad was an esteemed and admired Islamic scholar, theologian, and thinker of our time.
He gave up his medical practice and made the learning and teaching the Qur’an his lifetime endeavor.
After listening to a lecture delivered by Dr. Israr Ahmad (RA) in the early 90’s, at the Islamic Association of Greater Detroit’s masjid, I recognized, not only his ability to profoundly convey the gems of wisdom of the Qur’an but also his deep understanding of Islam as a Deen, and our duties toward the deen.
Throughout his lectures and personal interactions with Dr. Israr Ahmad, I have since become more familiar with his revolutionary thought regarding Islam and the root cause for our decadence and down fall.
Dr. Israr Ahmad, the founder of Markazi Anjuman Khuddam al-Qur’an (The Central Society of the Servants of the Qur’an), believed in the crucial importance of returning to the Qur’an as the primary source of guidance for Muslims.
Dr. Israr Ahmad recognized the Quran as the direct and unaltered word of Allah (SWT), revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He believed that the Qur’an serves as the ultimate and authentic source of guidance for all aspects of life, providing answers to moral, ethical, social, and spiritual crises.
He aimed to counteract the deviations and innovations that have engulfed the Muslim societies by encouraging Muslims to turn back to the authentic teachings of Islam primarily through the Qur’an.
He advocated for a return to the Qur’an in order to distinguish between true Islamic teachings and cultural practices that may contradict them.
Dr. Israr Ahmad believed that a genuine connection with the Qur’an could lead to a spiritual rejuvenation of individuals and the entire Muslim community. He saw the Qur’an as a means to deepen one’s faith, find solace, and enhance one’s relationship with Allah (SWT). By studying and understanding the teachings of the Qur’an, Muslims can learn how to apply Islamic principles in their personal, family, social, and professional lives. The Qur’an is a practical guide for life.
Dr. Israr Ahmad firmly believes that if Muslims were to return to the Qur’an sincerely with the pure intent of seeking its guidance, the Qur’an can serve as a unifying factor among Muslims. Muslims could overcome sectarian differences and divisions, fostering a sense of unity and brotherhood.
By promoting a balanced understanding of the Qur’an’s teachings, Dr. Israr Ahmad aimed to counter extremist ideologies that misinterpret the Qur’an for political or personal gain. He believed that a proper understanding of the Qur’an could help prevent radicalization.
He believed that the Qur’anic knowledge should be accessible to all, enabling Muslims to make informed decisions and choices based on authentic Islamic teachings.
Dr. Israr Ahmad, who is known for his comprehensive and in-depth Qur’anic exegesis (tafsir), made several notable contributions through his teachings, writings, and efforts to spread a deeper understanding of Islam. He provided a detailed analysis of the Qur’an, emphasizing the spiritual and practical guidance contained therein.
He developed a coherent Qur’anic thought which enabled him to articulate, promote and advocate the concept of Islam as a deen and not just a mere religion, or a madhhab.
In his treatise, Islamic Renaissance the Real Task Ahead, written in 1967, Dr. Israr Ahmad presented an in-depth analysis of the current religious and cultural attitude of Muslims all over the world. He offered a program as an answer to the ailments of the Islamic movements.
In 1975, Dr. Israr Ahmad established Tanzeem-e-Islami. The aim of the Islamic movemnet is to organize a collective struggle in the way of Allah with the aim of establishing Islam as a Deen on the basis of personal pledge (bay’ah).
Tanzeem-e-Islami aims to promote a revival of Islamic values and principles in society. The organization focused on individual transformation, character building, and fostering a sense of responsibility among Muslims to contribute positively to their communities.
He stressed the importance of understanding Islam beyond ritual practices, advocating for a deeper comprehension of its teachings. He aimed to help Muslims recognize the true essence of their faith and live according to its principles in all aspects of life.
Dr. Israr Ahmad had a comprehensive understanding of Islam as a complete way of life, encompassing spiritual, social, moral, and ethical dimensions. He emphasized the concept of Islam as a “deen,” which is often translated as “religion” but carries a broader meaning in Islamic terminology.
He believes that Islam is not merely a set of rituals and beliefs, but a comprehensive and holistic way of life that governs all aspects of an individual’s existence. It provides guidance for personal conduct, family life, social interactions, governance, and more. Islam is a way of life that combines both the individual and the collective affairs of society.
As a Da’ee, preacher, Dr. Israr Ahmad was committed to spreading the message of Islam through educational programs, lectures, and seminars. He believed in the power of knowledge to transform individuals and societies, and he focused on educating people about the core beliefs and values of Islam.
He advocated for the implementation of Islamic law (Sharia) in a way that aligns with the contemporary context. He believed that adhering to Islamic principles would lead to a just and equitable society.
Dr. Israr Ahmad stressed the importance of a deep and sincere connection with Allah (SWT) as the central aspect of Islam. According to Dr. Israr Ahmad, spirituality is at the core of the deen, and individuals should strive to attain closeness to Allah (SWT) through acts of worship, devotion, and self-purification (tazkiya)
Islam, in Dr. Israr Ahmad’s view, is characterized by submission and obedience to Allah’s commands. He believed that true believers should align their lives with the teachings of the Qur’an and the Sunnah (the way of Prophet Muhammad-SAW) in order to achieve spiritual growth and attain salvation.
Islam as a deen encompasses social responsibility and calls for believers to actively contribute to the betterment of society.
Dr. Israr Ahmad believed that Islam provides guidance for governance and administration. He emphasized the importance of implementing Islamic principles in the socio-political realm to ensure justice and equity. To this effect, he stressed the importance of Jama’ah, for there can be no Islam without a party (Jama’ah).
As an activist, Dr. Israr Ahmad emphasized the importance of peaceful activism and civic engagement within the bounds of Islamic principles. His approach aimed to address societal issues while maintaining the ethical standards of Islam.
Dr. Israr Ahmad’s contributions continue to influence and inspire Muslims seeking to deepen their understanding of Islam and apply its teachings in contemporary contexts.
Dr. Israr Ahmad’s call for Muslims to return to the Qur’an stemmed from his conviction that the Qur’anic teachings offer timeless solutions to contemporary challenges, promote spiritual growth, and enable Muslims to lead a life in accordance with Islamic values.
Dr. Israr AhmasdDr. Israr Ahmad’s understanding of Islam as a deen revolved around the idea that it is a comprehensive way of life that guides individuals in every aspect of their existence. His teachings emphasized the importance of spirituality, ethical conduct, social responsibility, and unity among Muslims. He believed that practicing Islam as a deen requires a holistic approach that integrates faith, knowledge, and actions in pursuit of a meaningful and purposeful life in this world and the Hereafter.
Dr. Israr Ahmad stressed that Islam as a way of life (Deen) provides a framework for preparing for the Hereafter. Believers are encouraged to lead a righteous life, seek forgiveness for their sins, and strive to attain Paradise through good deeds and devotion.
Dr. Israr Ahmad’s contribution to the Ummah is immeasurable. He touched many hearts and influenced many lives across the globe through his hard work, dedication, and commitment to the Qur’an and Islam.
In 1995, I joined Tanzeem-e-Islami North America later became the Islamic Organization of North America (IONA), and pledged to dedicate my life to the cause of Islam. Dr. Israr’s influence on my life was significant. I am ever indebted to him. He helped me transform my life and set me on the right path.
May Allah (SWT) grant our teacher, Dr. Israr Ahmad, a magnificent reward. May he be blessed with the honorable company of the Prophets, Truthful ones, Martyrs and the Righteous, ameen.
Last but not least. One of the fruits of Dr. Israr Ahmad’s labor is the founding of the Islamic Organization of North America, IONA.
IONA aims at transforming its members and surrounding communities to righteous, God-fearing believers, who collectively strive for the highest moral standard and constantly seek God’s forgiveness to earn His pleasure in this life and in the hereafter.
IONA members rejuvenate their souls through internal struggle (Jihad al-Nafs) and spiritual exercise in worship of the Creator, God, Allah, most glorified. The strength of their belief in Allah almighty gives them the courage to promote virtue and suppress vice, and to engage in the struggle to establish social, political, and economic justice.
In short, IONA is a non-violent movement dedicated to reviving the Qur’an into the hearts of Muslims, while we share its message with non-Muslims, and to promote and struggle for Divine Justice.
Our slogan is Repentance, Revitalization of Faith, Renewal of Covenant.